Monday, January 4, 2010


His eyes turned towards me, his face followed.  He asked, "what do you wish for?"
"don't ask her that.  then it won't com true."

Sometimes my emotions manifest themselves as vivid images:  Silence.  Sunshine.  The moment of dispersal of a blown dandelion.

Maybe I'm a greedy wisher (god knows I'm a greedy sleeper).  What I wish for is always the same.  I wish it many times over, hoping that perhaps one wish will overlap one moment, unseen, unnoticed, when magic isn't just pretend.  I wish for everyone here on earth, and those who have yet to exist, to be happy sometime before they die.  Disgust: "Really?  I don't think everyone deserves to be happy.  There are certainly people that I don't wish happiness for."

I don't believe that bad people exist.  I believe that there is good, however small, however twisted in the most seemingly evil of people.  I see a breath on an ember glowing weakly, the revival of the human spirit.  My simple wish.  I believe in a happiness beyond the transient.  I believe that true happiness requires an understanding and appreciation of human existence.  I don't believe cruel people can be truly happy, but I don't believe that they are doomed to be bad people.  I guess I'm wishing for love worldwide and timeless.  The kind that is honest.  Love incorruptible.


Egghead Mgoo said...

What does incorruptible love feel like? I often wonder if love is just our knee jerk reaction to being touched by someone or something, those moments where you just use that word because you can't really describe it any other way. For me, sometimes I feel that this honest love manifests itself in those moments where you can not speak, and the moment is being written in your memory with detail that years later you can not believe you remember. I feel like incorruptible love always lives in my memories never in my present.

k.chay said...

i think of incorruptible love as nothing but hopeful, helpful, understanding friendship. it's not like romantic love that is easily warped into something obsessive or demanding or potentially hurtful. i imagine a greeting card, but sincere instead of hallmarked: "wishing you all the best." "may your life be happy and blessed." sentiments that are unconditional and true, not superficial.